What is the COP?
The Conference of the Parties (COP) is the supreme decision-making body of the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change ("UNFCCC" or "Convention"). It holds an annual meeting representing and convening all States that are Parties to the Convention. The meeting is a pivotal event held to review and promote the effective implementation of the Convention, address any legal instruments that the COP needs to adopt, and take high-level decisions on institutional and administrative issues.
The COP Presidency and venue rotates among the five recognized UN regions i.e. Africa, Asia, Latin America and the Caribbean, Central and Eastern Europe and Western Europe and Others. The bid to host COP29 was awarded to Azerbaijan on [date] and the Convention is scheduled to take place in Baku from 11 - 22 November 2024.
A key agenda item at COP29 will be to review progress on national communications and emission inventories submitted by the Parties and gauge the effectiveness of these measures towards achieving the ultimate objectives of the Convention.

The COP29 priorities
The priorities of COP include reducing greenhouse gas emissions, building resilience to climate-related impacts, promoting sustainable practices, and implementing policies and initiatives to transition to low-carbon economies.
Climate action carried out at COP encompasses a wide range of activities, from sealing international agreements and promoting national policies that initiate local climate-friendly projects to supporting individual-level actions which have the potential to mitigate the effects of climate change through the adoption of innovative yet pragmatic technologies that ensure financial resilience.

The COP29 green zone
The COP29 Green Zone is a platform where all stakeholders connect, share and learn to advance climate action. In addition to leading global organisations that will showcase products and services, a full schedule of focused programmes will take place across the Green Zone, including presentations, workshops, briefings, music and cultural events.