Partnering Criteria

The COP29 Azerbaijan Partnership provides an opportunity for organisations who have committed to the Race to Zero objectives and have taken tangible steps in addressing climate to engage, promote and showcase themselves.

Approach to application
Eligibility Criteria

Your step-by-step journey to participating at COP29

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Check that you meet the bar-to-entry eligibility criteria
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Present the scope, objective, subject and duration of the content partnership
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Confirmation of package level, financial and in-kind contribution

COP29 supports your role in climate action

Exhibitions and events such as COP29 are an invaluable medium for environmentally conscious companies to promote their products, services and solutions to a charged-up audience that is passionate about climate action. Whether you are looking to make direct sales, secure new business deals, forge alliances, or enhance brand prominence, your presence at COP29 can be a game changer towards expanding your space within the global discourse on climate change.